DALBO France | 3 Rue de Bois Robin
FR-27770 Illiers L' évéque
+33 (0)2 37 48 07 49
DAL-BO A/S was founded in 1948 by Henry Pedersen. In the fifties the company spezialized in manufacturing tractor trailers but they realized very soon that they had to expand. That is when DAL-BO started manufacturing rollers for agriculture, where the possibilities for mass production was reasonable.

In the middle of the sixties the company was taken over by Kaj Pedersen the son of the founder.

DAL-BO was one of the first paticipants at the Agromek exhibition held at Herning for the first time in 1974. Throughout the seventies and eighties, this exhibition assisted DAL-BO in establishing contacts with a large number of distributors and agriculturists from potential new export markets. Increasing export sales (mainly from Europe), has provided Dalbo with useful information whilst developing products to meet demand as a result of changes in farming practices. In 1990 DAL-BO made the decision (influenced by France), to introduce a new machine to its product line, the stubble cultivator. Over the past 13 years DAL-BO has succeeded in becoming an international supplier of cultivators, rollers and disc harrows.

The rapid development in minimum soil preparation over recent years has had a profound influence on product development for Dalbo. The implementation of sowing technology has been a natural extension of its product line and explains why DAL-BO is now able to offer a number of its most popular implements for soil preparation with integrated seed drill technology. In 2002 DAL-BO was presented with the Agromek award for their work in designing products with “a high degree of flexibility and low cost of the wearing parts”.

In the pleasant, rural surroundings of Bindeballe, DAL-BO employs around 50 people. The company is an important provider of employment in the neighbourhood. Reliability and flexibility are the keywords at DAL-BO. The main objective is to deliver reliable goods that we can be proud of and delight our customers. Our aim is a lead time of 2 weeks from the receipt of the order.

Approximately 30 per cent of machines are sold in Denmark, 70 per cent exported. It is our intention to continuously develop the product line, so it will meet our customer’s demands. This will enable DAL-BO to remain a strong player in the future. At present, DAL-BO concentrates some of its attention on the growing markets of Eastern Europe, and other interesting countries.
Contact DALBO
Merci de bien vouloir nous contacter par téléphone ou par le formulaire ci joint:

DALBO France
3 Rue de Bois Robin
FR-27770 Illiers L´évéque
+33 (0)237 480 749
+33 (0)960 069 858
Sebastien Dolbé
Directeur FR
Dal-Bo | Bindeballevej 69 | 7183 Randbøl | Téléphone:+45 75883500